
Buddha at the computer

These sites offer excellent information about Buddhism and Zen

Atlanta Sōtō Zen Center – the organization with which we’re affiliated. See also Silent Thunder Order, below

Buddhadharma – the Practioner’s Quarterly Online

BuddhaNet – worldwide Buddhist information and education network

Buddhism – an excellent introduction from the BBC

Dharma Texts – see recommended reading

Lion’s Roar – a Buddhist inspired magazine, formerly Shambhala Sun

Mount Adams Zen Buddhist Temple – features a biography of Rev Dr Sōyū Matsuoka Rōshi

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University:

  1. The Pluralism Project at Harvard University – a comprehensive database of religious centers throughout the United States
  2. On Common Ground – an interactive web resource introducing the world’s religions and exploring religious diversity in the United States. First published in 1997 as a CD-ROM, On Common Ground is now updated and available online, free of charge
  3. On Common Ground has an excellent set of essays about Buddhism, beginning with the historical Buddha, continuing with articles about the vehicles and sects that evolved, and concluding with issues for Buddhists in America. To view it, click here

Sangha of the Compassionate Heart – a group in the tradition of Rev Dr Sōyū Matsuoka Rōshi

The School of Life has produced a six-minute video that illustrates the essential teachings of the historical Buddha:

Shambhala Publications – publisher of many books on Zen and Buddhism

Shōbōgenzō Online – free PDFs of Dōgen Zenji’s masterwork in English translation:

  1. Available from Shasta Abbey, translated by Rev Master Hubert Nearman (scroll down). Many other works about Zen and meditation are also available for free download
  2. The Sōtō Zen Text Project of Stanford University, which produced scholarly translations of many chapters of Shōbōgenzō, has closed. Read more here, including the Project’s plans to publish its translation of Shōbōgenzō in 2020.

Silent Thunder Order – training organization for disciples, priests, and teachers of the Atlanta Sōtō Zen Center

Sōtōshū Shūmuchō – world headquarters of the Sōtō Zen School (in English)

Tricycle – the Buddhist review

Wisdom Publications – publisher of many books on Zen and Buddhism

The Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago – has a short biography of Rev Dr Sōyū Matsuoka Rōshi

The Zen Site – part of the Zen Buddhism Virtual Library