The Southwind Sangha is led by priests, disciples, and teachers who have been ordained by Sensei Taiun Elliston, abbot of the Atlanta Sōtō Zen Center. They also oversee the finances and administrative functions with their service on the board of directors. Each contributes her or his services and time and does not receive financial compensation.
Gekko Kathryn Riley
Title: Novice Priest
Dharma Name: Gekko (Soft Moonlight)
Kathryn Riley has been sitting in the Sōtō Zen tradition since 1981. Her unofficial title is: “Sitter Who Likes Sitting with People Who Like to Sit.”
Un Ku Nento Riley
Title: Novice Priest
Dharma Name: Un Ku Nento (Burning Torch)
Don Riley is a Soto Zen priest who has been actively engaged with the Southwind Sangha and Buddhism for many years. He is a member of the Silent Thunder Order, and the Board of Directors of the Southwind Sangha. He has taught introductory sessions, led retreats, attended extended retreats in Atlanta and Nashville, given Dharma talks, and led discussion groups.
Reiun Sanki Harold Schlechtweg
Title: Novice Priest, Practice Leader
Dharma Name: Reiun (Spirit Cloud) Sanki (Three Devotions)
Sanki is a member of the Silent Thunder Order and Practice Leader of the Southwind Sangha. Sanki’s personal practice is Dogen’s Zen. His interests include poetry, the Dharma, and walking mountain paths.
To learn more about our teacher, Rev Zenkai Taiun Elliston, click here.