Our Zendo is located in the Pine Valley Christian Church near WSU’s Innovation Campus. Sunday service begins at 9AM. We encourage you to attend our in-person services. Our newcomers introduction to Zen is the first Wednesday of each month at 7PM. All of our services are ‘hybrid’, please contact us to be added to our email list and to receive a link to our service on Zoom.
To receive regular updates, the Zoom link, or for other information, please email: harold.sanki@gmail.com and we’ll add you to our e-mailing list.
Sunday service includes chanting the Heart Sutra, Universal Transference of Merit and three bows to the Three Treasures of Buddha, Dharma Sangha. We have two sessions of seated meditation separated by 5 minutes of kinhin or walking meditation. When new comers are present the Doan (chant leader) gives soft verbal instructions.
After the second session of Zazen meditation we stand and chant the Bodhisattva Vows. The service, which lasts an hour, is typically followed by a Dharma reading and informal discussion for those who wish to stay. Those who wish then frequently retire to the Panera on Rock Road for coffee and conversation.
Our 7PM Wednesday night service follows the same format as our Sunday service. Every third Wednesday we have only one session of seated meditation for 30 minutes. We follow this with a Dharma discussion and wrap up at 8PM. The first Wednesday of each month is reserved for an ‘Introduction to Zen’. We encourage everyone attending for the first time to come to the first Wednesday introductory session, if possible.
Everyone is welcome to attend our services. We encourage everyone who can safely do so to get vaccinated to protect others.
In addition to services, we sponsor a Zen reading and discussion group and classes for newcomers to Zen.
Our monthly meditation silent half day retreat is on the third Saturday of each month from 8AM to 12 Noon. Afterwards, we usually go out and have lunch together.
If you are interested in any of these activities please contact us by email or message us on our FB page (SouthwindSangha Soto Zen Buddhist) to be placed on our email list.
Our Zendo
We are now located at the Pine Valley Christian Church, 5620 E 21st St N, Wichita KS 67208. Please park in the back parking lot and enter the Church through the back door. A ‘greeter’ will meet you at the door. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early. The back door is locked a few minutes after our services start.

In Memoriam Del Smith
Our Practice
Zazen (sitting meditation)
Kinhin (walking meditation)
Dharma Talks, Readings & Discussion